Thursday, October 06, 2005

It's about time...

I finally figured out how to change the links page. I was getting really close to starting back up smoking or paying a 6th grader to come and fix it for me. 6th graders know more about computers than I me. I might have made an A in one of those computer courses at Judson but it was only because I bought the book and Sara-Beth did the work and put my name on it. I'm not me. Come to think of it, I think Shannon did my work during that last short term from hell for me.

I'm so ready to be moved. I wish I could just snap my fingers and everything in my office and house would pack itself up and move. How did I do this 400 times at Judson College. Geez. And I was lazier back then than I am now....not by much I assure you!

Jennifer...does Chip Ellis still come on at 4 a.m. in the morning? Got a computer....jump on This is really a trap to get you to finally make a comment on my blog!

Ok...that's enough rambling for one day.


Jennifer said...

I would have left a comment anyway, because you need to get the 6th grader to come amd spell my daughter's name right. LILY. And Chip Ellis comes on at all times of the day now. He's gotten fatter.

Susan said...


Criddy said...

There you go friend! I changed it! What's a SAFE time to call you there Jennifer?

Jennifer said...

Call me whenever. If I'm asleep, I'll let you know. I should be up most of the day today because Lily has to go to the dr. Then we are cleaning house. You can give me a break.