Monday, November 20, 2006

Today is worse

He's losing blood but we don't know that source. Fever has been steady at 104 and not breaking. I'm headed home tonight probably...maybe tomorrow after school, but I doubt that I can make it that much longer without being there.

I'll try and post in the next few days and will call someone that can pass along the news to most of you readers if something happens.


Mandy Mc said...

You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. Let us know if we can do anything else!

Anonymous said...

Call if there's anything I can do... even if you just want someone not involved with the rest of your family to come sit with you for a while. I don't have a job or school right now, and I'm not too far from the New Hope.

kelli beth said...

hope things are getting better! happy thanksgiving! love ya!