Monday, March 06, 2006

A random post...

1. I'm breaking out the NO EASY SALVATION. I'm in a theological mood all of a sudden!

2. This month...well as long as it takes me...i'm going to work my way through Ephesians. Not sure why I chose this book, maybe it's because there's a bible study about it laying on my desk. so that seems like an easy choice for right now. I'll post my thoughts as I go through it. Anyone else care to join me???

3. To my friends -
Jennifer...can I come play?
Heather...if Jennifer says I can come to her house do you want to ride together...i need some mee-maw time.
Susan - I'm sad that Marie has to leave you. If I ever have any money or bravery to leave the country again...maybe i'll come see you too!!!
Marie - Hope your trip was good and hope you made it back safe.
Beth - Let's do a phone just call me when you have time this week and i'll make time for you friend!!! i can't wait to catch up with you for real this time!
Sara Beth - I hope you are so the random "day" student that comes back to graduation and steals the awards away from those little 4.0 ******* know what i mean???
Kellie - I'll call soon...kiss blakeney for me!
Ashley - I will come kick some little gnome A...just call me...
Mandy Mac - I LOVE MBS is coming...and it's going to be great!

Anyone else that lurks on my blog...i hope you are great!



S-B said...

Yes, I will be the day student that noone knows and I'll steal all the awards at graduation!!!

Criddy said...

You make me laugh, i'm glad you called when you did tonight! Love you!

S-B said...

Your friend Dave Ramsey is going to show me how to get rich. My plans of selling eggs or lending my womb to grow a baby for someone didn't work out....maybe he'll help me. Did I ever tell you that I HATE the word egg?? It's disgusting. Ok, I don't know where that came from so I'll stop talking now.

Criddy said...

dave ramsey and my friend don't belong in the same sentence!

Ashley Smith ~ The Primary Source said...

Dave Ramsey and I have a love-hate relationship. Good luck with that!

(Imagine me singing) I love my Christy, yes I do!

Susan said...

My friends make me laugh.