Saturday, October 03, 2009

Week from hell behind me...

So by now you might have heard that we have just come through the week from hell around the Peevy household. It actually started two weeks ago when....

1. Our basement flooded during the ATL flood of 09. No serious damage...just annoying. However, we love our friends the Kendricks who helped clean us up and fed us that night so that we didn't have to deal with cooking.

2. On the way to clean out the basement Brandon's grand daddy experienced some heart trouble and was put in the hospital where he is still today. He will be coming home soon. Lots of details that I don't remember but things are looking up at least.

3. Thursday night Brandon starts to feel bad.

4. Friday he comes home from work with a high temperature.

5. Monday...finally goes to the doctor to discover he's had H1N1. Sweet!!

6. Tired of being in the house all weekend, Brandon and Millie decided to take a ride to the walking trail by our house. Millie usually rides really well and just hangs her head out the window. But for some unknown reason she decided to JUMP OUT OF THE CAR!!

7. Breaks her leg. 3,000 to fix it, put her down or amputate. Those were our options.

So we decided to amputate and save Millie. Brandon just couldn't make the decision to put her down and there was no guarantee that she wouldn't need additional surgeries. She is doing great though and we are just glad we have our dog.

So that's it. Fun times in a bag. October has officially started off better than September ended at least.

Hoping that the week from hell is behind us!!


hannah/sk's mommy said...

Oh Christy, what an awful week. I'm glad things are looking a little better now and that everybody is okay! Call me sometime soon, when it's convenient for you, because I'm pretty flexible. We need to catch up!

S-B said...

I'm glad October started off better than September ended for you and Brandon. Thanks for the talk the other helped alot.