Tuesday, August 01, 2006

So i'm not a wife or mother

But does it just seem sometimes like you do the same thing day after day. Everyday there seems to be clothes that need washing, a house that needs to be clean, if I want to eat something other than McDonalds or something nasty like that, then I have to cook, which means I have to clean.

I have a great job, amazing friends, but sometimes I just start the day thinking...am I really going to do anything different today than yesterday.

We are starting a new book in our small group...excuse me...life group this week. It's called "It came from within", by Andy Stanley.

Here's what the back of it says...

"You can't run from what lurks within! More frightening than Frankenstein. More destrcutive than alien invaders. They will numb your soul, steal your life, and threathen your most treasured relationships. Who are these creatures? Where do they come from? At the fall of mankind they were unleased on the world, wreaking havoc and sending thousands fleeing from their homes. And their lair is found in the last place anyone wants to look - the mysterious depths of their own hearts! But be encouraged, these monsters have a weakness. They can be defeated. You can escape their clutches and be free of their influence. Learn the truth - before it's too late."

Sounds fun huh? Not really. I mean i'm excited we are doing it, and excited that our life group is so amazing here, but really ... Do I want to discuss matters of the heart, especially my heart, with a group of people. Um...no.

But, can't exactly not do it either.


Heather said...

As to the first part of your post: For me, when I feel like that it's like it's really just hit me (again) that this is a big part of being a grownup. And sometimes that really sucks, but sometimes it feels good, too. I do like my life.

As for the second part of your post: Is the book better than what's on the back? It sounds a little scary. Maybe sharing what's in your heart won't be so bad, though. I mean, surely you don't have to go into great detail, right?

Criddy said...

I do like feeling grown up sometimes, and then sometimes I just want quit being an adult!!

It is...scary and good. I read the first couple of chapters last night. If you are struggling, it doesn't make things any easier on you...it's certainly not a feel good, warm and fuzzy type of book.

NO, thank goodness we don't have to go into great detail. At least we haven't so far and we've been in Galatians. I don't think people would want to hear what's on my heart right now. That might be scarier than the book!

Why did I just have this discussion with you on the internet for everyone and their brother to see...oh well! LOVE YOU!!!

Ashley Smith ~ The Primary Source said...

Hey Girl....I watched the sermon series that the book is based on and it was good...i think youw will like the book!

Criddy said...

Well it is that little known guy out of NorthPoint...what's his name? I heard his church was stuggling or something. I think they're down to about a gazillion or something. Must be tough to hurt like that.

Ashley Smith ~ The Primary Source said...

I know...poor Andy and his church plant that had 1000 on opening day! BTW, the worship pastor from ICBC with me resigned Sunday to go to a church plant in B'ham that opens in September.

S-B said...

I think that although you may feel like you do the same thing day after day after day, just think about everything you've done in the past year...move away to a strange city...change jobs...became a sub teacher...made new friends...ect.

I don't know about the whole 'look into your heart' situation. I mean, of course it's gonna be great, but also probably pretty hard. I know it would be for me. Call me later. Love you.

Criddy said...

Ashley...we need a phone date soon. Call me when you get a chance!