Saturday, August 19, 2006

I'm not angry...i'm just angry

So we've been moving right along in this book that we are doing in our small group. We are starting to get into the "diseases" of the heart that he refers to. He list them as Guilt, Anger, Jealousy and Envy.

Buddy, when we got to the Anger part, I didn't realize just how much of an angry person I really am. I mean, not all the time, but when certain names from the past come up (birth mother) or just certain past situations, I can get fired up.

But he also says in the book, "When are you going to quit letting people who are not in your life, or maybe even dead, have control over your life." And that's true. There are so many good moments stolen from me, because I still hold on to some of these anger issues.

So...i'm going to put on my big girl pants, and deal with them once and for all. I"m going to get them into the light, so that they don't breed in the darkness!

I don't want to be an angry elf for the rest of my life!


Ashley Smith ~ The Primary Source said...

Is an angry elf a cousin to an angry gnome?

Criddy said...

LOL...I never even thought about that. Not so much though, because the angry little elf is nice, just angry!