Tuesday, August 15, 2006


So I had this whole great idea for a post, but i'm too tired to write it all down, or do that much thinking, so i'll just update for the moment.

I'm back to subbing. Why you might ask? Because we are still all bi-vocational and that's the wonderful load I get to carry along with, secretary, nursery, preschool and Children's MINISTER!

But I'm really loving the class that I am in right now. I'm there for four weeks while the other para-pro is on medical leave. It's a class with 5 severe autistic kids. I say kids, but they range from 14-19, so they are actually pretty big.

Dante, Jacki, Mikey, Stanley and Chardane have my heart. I've actually not met Chardane yet, but it's coming soon. But Dante, Jacki, Mikey and Stanley are the best. They'll never be able to say anything to me verbally, but they speak volumes into my life.

I'll post pictures soon. I love every part of it, except getting up at 5:45 AM every morning. Yeah...that sucks bad!

Life is good though, and God is faithful. He's calling me into deep water with him right now, and I know I won't sink, but the call to swim comes with a great price. One that I'm not sure I am willing to embrace right now.

Wholeness...Oh Lord, why now? And what's the cost going to be...I'm sure the end is worth it, but I just need that push into the water. And a life-jacket wouldn't hurt!!!


Ashley Smith ~ The Primary Source said...

After reading that, I just have one thing to say....I love you Christy Davis :)

mcm said...

Christy, you are awesome. When Peter stepped out from the boat to walk on the water with Jesus, it wasn't until he noticed the wind and the waves that he began to sink. His loss of faith in the sight of trouble is what made him sink. Your words express that your heart is seeking God, and that you are remaining faithful. Continue to do that, and your faith will be what keeps you above water. I know you know that. But, you better not forget it :-D.