Monday, January 02, 2006

That's the night that the lights went out in Georgia....

Of course that was the song that was playing this morning as I pulled out of New Hope on my way to Georgia. I'm here, I'm moved...well kinda. I'm here for good and that's all that matters. No more going home and coming for the weekend. It's for real this time.

My last weekend before the move was spent at the Mee-Maw Christmas party. Those babies were even cuter that I could have imagined. Just seeing their expressions was awesome. We played pennies, ate way to much and slept very little...but it was good times.

Almost as good as the party itself was the ride to Auburn with Sara Beth. It was highlighted by running into both Susan and Marie, singing OLD SCHOOL Bon Jovi, and OLD SCHOOL Country.

So i'm here, and my new life as I know it pretty much gets into full gear tomorrow. Should be interesting!

Hope all my friends are recovered from the weekend and doing good! Love you all!


Susan said...

by old school country you mean garth brooks, right? ;)

yay for moving!!!

S-B said...

Congrats on your move Christy. I wish you luck and don't be too homesick. I'll come visit you soon.