Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Brandon and I have a really bad habit. We like to start things and if it doesn't get done within a day or two we usually just leave it there and think that by some miracle it will get done. We have a 1,000 little projects here and there that we haves started but never finished. We are notorious for painting a room and then stopping at the touch ups and therefore leaving it looking like CRAP (for proof look at my living room, kitchen, bathroom and guest bedroom.) So I knew when we started the nursery that we needed to have plenty of time to get it done. Not just a let's start on Friday and see what we can finish by dinner on Saturday night type of thing.

The good news was that Brandon had actually already done one major part back in November. Actually, the day we found out that we were pregnant, Brandon was laying down hardwoods in the nursery room to prepare for our home study. So that part was already checked off the list.

Back when we thought Kennedy was a Titus , we had planned on a fireman themed nursery. Well as much as I believe in women's equality I didn't really think that Kennedy would love a fire themed nursery. So....I had to turn my brain into girl mode.

Now let's just go ahead and put this out there. I am not a pink person (yes I know my blog is semi-pink but I'm talking like overboard, throw up, pink!) I really have never have been a pink person. Closest I ever came was a stint of really liking purple. I hate purple now. So I had to come up with something that was girly but didn't look like Pepto Bismol was sponsoring my daughter's room.

That's when I found her bedding. It was perfect. Blue, greens, some yellowish/golden color, chocolate and white. Although it sounds boyish the paisley all over the bedding really made it look cute for a girl.

The next idea was the idea of the tree and I am so happy with the way that it turned out in her room. I was going to order stencils at one point but then convinced myself that if I can decorate a cake....I could decorate a wall. I free-handed the tree and had a lot of fun.

The next idea was the little girl silhouette that I found on Pinterest. I decided to paint her on there (with the help of power point and a projector.) I had been contemplating a quote from the ever famous Winnie the Pooh (also found on Pinterest) when my mind took over and the conversation went a little something like this....

Me: Awwwwww she's cute
Me: Awwwwww the dandelions that she's blowing are soaring through the air
Me: Heck yes! One should not feel compelled to creep when one feels the impulse to soar. Dr. Potts would love it.

So there you have it. I threw it up in powerpoint, painted some butterflies and it all came together.

I really am so proud of her room and can't wait to finish it up. This time we actually have to finish it up because she needs some blinds. Like serious blinds. That room gets sun from the minute it comes up till the minute it goes down.

We also have to finish curtains and bookshelves (Brandon's daddy is making those.) My grandmother's rocking chair is also being recovered for the room. I love that I have that rocking chair in my possession and can not wait to rock her in it. I really can't wait to watch my mom rock Kennedy in the same rocking chair where she once rocked with me.

Other than that a crib mattress and a baby and we are all set! :)

1 comment:

Chrissie said...

Wow - Just beautiful!! What a beautiful place for your little one to lay her head. I love it.

We are a few steps behind you but I am so loving finding just the right bits and pieces for our nursery. It certainly a labor of love and I wouldn't switch a single second of it.