Friday, May 19, 2006

Sweet Home Alabama!!!

So this update should be a fun one!

I'm slowly getting over the bird flu...or bronchitis as some like to call it. I went to the doctor last Friday. She gave me 2 inhalers, a round of anti-biotic, some other pill and told me that I should have come in earlier. Well you start paying my bills lady...and i'll come in every time my nose is running.

This past Wednesday, my room mate Aundrea and my friend Nate and I all made the trip to the New Hope, to pick up a couch that Kim and Greg gave me. It's the best couch in the whole wide world...and why they got rid of it, I'll never know....but I'm glad they did.

While we were there we stopped by the nursing home to visit my daddy. Well, while we were there, they got to meet the "lady" of New Hope. This woman has been in prison twice for killing two men, she shot another but her son took the blame so she wouldn't be sent to death row...and it's believed that she shot another man, but was never caught. But there she was, at the nursing home, talking to my mother like they are old friends, talking about how her shoes were "killing her." Nice choice of words.

The house is finally starting to come together. Everything but my room that is. It still has a ways to go...but it's getting there.

I'm going home next Thursday and staying until Monday morning. I can't wait. I'm so ready to spend a few days at home and not feel rushed. Being home for only 2 hours the other day was hard. I was so ready to see my mother and then had to turn around and leave. I'm really homesick...but I'll get over it, I'm sure.

The End!


Heather said...

Is that the couch we sat on when we watched Sue?

Ashley Smith ~ The Primary Source said...

You can always make me I said, when the mee-maws do blog, it is always quality!

Criddy said..., we were at Darlene's for that. But that couch is fun too. They actually got rid of it too...but replaced it with a huge leather couch.

Ashley....well i'm glad I could brighten your day!!! I miss you. We need to figure out a time this summer when I can come play in Kentucky!

Ashley Smith ~ The Primary Source said...

YES PLEASE!!! I would love vistors here!!!!

Heather said...

Count me in for the trip to KY!

Criddy said...

You girls give me some dates and let's get this thing together. Mandy Mac...figure out when you can go!!!

Ashley Smith ~ The Primary Source said...

Woohoo!!! I am so excited!!

Anonymous said...

I want to go to KY, but my summer is filling up fast. Three families are not always easy to juggle! Let me know when you all decide to go though and I'll see what I can do. I could do fall...

Also, Criddy, I need directions to your pad. Should I call or do you want to e-mail them?

Criddy said...

I'll call you this afternoon...i have to find out what time you are coming in before I can tell you where to or home.

Anonymous said...

I got your message, but I am just now getting in from my step-sister's graduation and all. It has been a long day of family and new people. I'll call you in the morning. Can't wait to see you.

Ashley Smith ~ The Primary Source said...

Are you feeling better? I hope so! Love you!