Monday, May 08, 2006

Home Sweet Home

I'm so freaking tired...but it's a good tired. We've moved into the new home this weekend. Well Aundrea did more of the MOVING and I just kinda unloaded my stuff.

It's amazing how much more permanent things seem now. That's good and bad in a lot of different ways.

I went to a conference last week with Ashley Smith. The conference was amazing, the road trip...and yes it turned in to a full road trip to the Steak and Shake was even better! Well almost. Louie, Reggie, Andy and the whole bunch at Northpoint are amazing. I'm not out to copy them...but why re-invent the wheel on some things.

I went home this weekend to see one of the youth from FBC New Hope go off to prom. In my mind she's still four like when I met her. But in reality she's about to be a Senior. She's still red-headed and freckled face and beautiful. She looked AMAZING!!!

Other than that, life is random. But then is MY life....


1 comment:

Ashley Smith ~ The Primary Source said...

You;ve got to love long, late-night, "scenic routes" around ATL to find a steak n shake!