Monday, February 20, 2006

1 is the loneliest number

This week I am making a major accomplishment in my life by staying by myself for a WHOLE WEEK!! It's going to be crazy. The family that I live with right now is gone on a business trip/family it's just me, myself and I. Of course I have every light on in the house at ALL TIMES, but so far i'm making it. I'm more scared of me than I am of a total stranger breaking in the house. I'm scared of being alone with myself. I would rather occupy my time with friends and conversation than have time alone to think. Thinking gets me in trouble sometimes.

We've been at a church planting conference today and we'll head back there tomorrow. Sometimes I forget that this really is a church plant with a long way to go...other times the reality hits me upside the head....HARD! But the good thing is...I still love my job, I still love the kids, I still love and respect the people I work with and under...and that's all that I could have ever asked for.

I'm learning a lot about myself over here! I'm learning that I have a long way to go as a a a leader, but I'm also learning that if I'll work on trusting people a little bit more...the end result may just be something that I'm proud of.

I'm also CONTEMPLATING going to seminary for my master's. It's not official, i've just been looking. I'm thinking of starting off small...just a class here and there and seeing where I go from there. We'll see...there's a lot of praying that has to go into that one. One thought of math or spanish makes me want to say...HEEEEEEEECK NO!!!

Well that's about it. No cute kid to post about...nothing really exciting...but it's what you get for now!!!


S-B said... Good luck with that. I think that's a great idea.

Anonymous said...

I think you should DEFINITELY go to seminary. You seem to be cut out for it, and I think you would do really well. Don't let math or spanish deter you--those classes sucked for everyone. What seminaries are you considering?

Susan M.

Our Little Baby! said...

I am proud of you!

Anonymous said...

Christy - WOW! I am so very excited that you are contemplating this. I think you would do great in seminary...and McAfee and Emory are right there?!?! Plus, we both know Dr. John H would be most proud :-) I love you and I am glad that you have a blog on which nonbloggers can post! Oh, and, just to relieve your stress - no Spanish OR math at seminary, at least not at Duke. Woohoo - yea!!!

Criddy said...

Sara - Beth, You know that this is going to happen about like me not talking country anymore is going to happen.

Anonymous, I mean Susan, There is a New Orleans extension here in decatur and since my friend is in the financial aid just may have to be there.

Kellie - need to post more pictures. I am so ready to meet and hold her! Awwwww..makes me want to cry!

Mandy Mc,aka MBS...hey!!!! You should really just break down and do a blog. I mean come on and just give in, you know you want to. I want to come see you soon! Love you!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You are right! I do want to start a blog; I am just trying to resist the temptation until summer time. I spend enough of my time just reading about all of you fun people :-)

Criddy said...

Mandy Mc...what's your e-mail???

Anonymous said... or, whichever you prefer :-)