Here's a recap!
Januaryish - Mee-Maw Christmas = Hippopotamus ornament and another drive pass the railroad tracks, turn left at the post office, and a failed attempt at watching a dvd!
February - Atlanta Valentine's Day. World of Coke, Varsity, DownTown ATL. (This trip ended up having to be salvaged at the last minute but my sweet husband pulled it through and made it a great weekend.)
March - Lost my job
April - Worried about losing my job.
JDAY! It really was one of the best that I can remember.
May - One Year Anniversary trip to Nashville. Grand Ole Opry, Country Music Hall of Fame, BB King's and so much more. We stayed free at the Hilton because of the mishap on Valentine's Day Trip mentioned above.
Moved into Brandon's grandparents' house.
June - Got our new puppy Millie.
July - Got and started new job at Youth Middle School
August - Heather had PIPPA!
September - Millie's accident. She became a 3 legged pup!
October - My birthday...what else do you need??
November and December - Because they have seemed to morph into one this year. A hard two months but very blessed to have been able to spend the Holiday season with such good friends and family. long 2009. I pray that 2010 is one of health and happiness for us all.