Monday, July 14, 2008

Just a little update...

So i've decided that the first year of marriage really is the hardest but the best thing ever. It's so fun to find out new little things about Brandon every day. And even though there are still some issues that we have to work through, some on a daily basis, it's still the best feeling in the world laying down every night to the one that I love more than anything.


Rita Bird said...

Marriage is the easiest and hardest thing a person will ever have to go through. Hopefully the first year will fly by for you. If you ever need to vent, call me.

Megan said...

The first year of marriage is indeed an exciting and learning-filled least it has been that way for us! I am continually surprised, not so much by how much I am learning about Brian, but how much I am learning about myself! Like you, I am so thankful at the end of the day (and at the beginning of each morning) that I have been blessed with an amazingly wonderful, loving, Christian husband.