Monday, April 03, 2006


If anyone can tell me who in country music sings a song by this when the OLD country (as in before Garth Brooks) trivia game!

So I've been thinking a lot lately about choices and it's occurred to me that I have a lot of them to make. It's my choice whether my day is crappy or not or if my attitude sucks (and may I mention that it has been recently...or so I think.) I may not be able to choose the circumstances that I am under, or what events will happen in my day, but it doesn't mean that I still don't have to choice to make the best out of it.

I've been thinking about how blessed I am and how spoiled I really can be. I'm always complaining that i'm tired but then I think of my mother that has been getting up at 2:15 to go to work by 4 so that she can get home at 5 in the afternoon, spend the next 2 hours at the nursing home with my dad, talk to me and a few of my aunts on the phone for a few minutes and then go right back to bed to do it all over again. I have nothing to complain about.

I complain that I don't have any money, but then I think about the people that have jobs that pay less than mine (if I was getting paid), don't have chances to earn extra money (like I do) and still have spouses and kids to feed and raise and bills to pay.

I complain that there's not enough time, when if I really counted up how many hours in the day I spend doing POINTLESS things it would be unbelievable.

That's my realization for the week I guess. That I'm spoiled and have a bad attitude...what a grand realization to have too!

So that's my random thoughts for today.


Our Little Baby! said...

George Jones sings choices.. I WIN I WIN.. You are so right about that song.. Enjoy the rest of your week.. See ya Friday!!

Criddy said...

YAY! Kellie wins! I'm suprised that Susan and Heather didn't give you some stiff competition there friend! I am so excited about this weekend and can't wait to see you guys! Love you!