Tuesday, October 02, 2012

A new man in the house

There's a new man living with me these days.

I don't really like him. At All. Not one bit really.

I know that one day I will love him. LOVE HIM. Might even name my first son after him.

Probably not.

Did I mention that I don't like him? He's making my life so hard right now. I just want to pinch his little head off.

I've dealt with him before, but basically it ended up on me quitting him or dare I even say....cheating on him.

I have a feeling he's sticking around this time and that really makes me angry. I know he's for the best but UGH I wish I could live my way and without him.

I guess for now I'll have to deal but in the meantime. Welcome back....

Dave Ramsey!


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