Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Meet the newest Peevy

Her name is Millie. She is a lab that I got from my great grand big from Judson (well of that family line!) We picked her up on Sunday from Huntsville. She was real shaky and nervous in the car. We stopped to let her pee and she just fell over when she got out of the car. She had no clue how to walk on the leash.

Since then she has made her home here and seems to love it. She gets real happy when she sees Brandon in the afternoons and pouts when we put her in the bathroom when we have to go somewhere. We are reading all the websites on how to potty train her. The fact that I am home during the day doesn't hurt either.

She'll be huge when she gets full grown, so I am enjoying her being a puppy right now.

Come see her soon!!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

She's cute. I recommend crate training. It's the easiest and best way, IMO.