Lately I have been so restless. That's not really a good thing for me. I am a very impatient person and hate not knowing what the next step is. Sometimes in that state of being restless I do stupid stuff. I eat tooooo much, sleep tooooo much (when given the chance), buy tooooooo much or just other random acts of stupidity.
I just really want to be settled for the first time in a long time. I want a job that will be there year after year. I want to be in a house that is "ours" and not something that we are renting or "borrowing" as the next case will be. I want to be done with school and not having it hanging over my dagum head all the time. I want to be at a place where we could start a family when we want, but a trip to the doctor's office the other day confirmed that it might be a while. I'm just so stinking restless.