Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Bring on the Rain...

Ok...so I'm not really happy with all the rain, BUT it has washed ALOT of pollen away which is a good thing in my world. So now that I am getting a little bit better it's time to turn my attention on better things...like moving. We are scheduled to move sometime at the end of next month into Brandon's grandparents house. I seriously doubt that it will be that soon but with my spring break being next week, I am planning on doing some packing and cleaning out. I want us to move with very little stuff that we don't need. I also have to find a way to get rid of some "holy" clothes of Brandon's as well.

The job situation is still about the same. Right now we are waiting to see if our numbers will go up. If not, I will sub and finish my master's degree next year. A job would be great but the idea of staying at home sounds pretty good as well.

The couponing is going ok. Some weeks are better than others. This past week was still a good savings week but I had to buy alot of stuff that didn't have coupons. So far my average savings is around 30.00 each time. I've worked it out to where I only go once a month for a BIG trip and then make little trips here and there.

We did really well not going out to eat when we had no money but now we have to learn to live like that when we get paid too!!

I'm ready for this upcoming month and all that it has in store...Spring Break, J-Day, Easter and Dancing with the Teachers just name a few.

Hope everyone is healthy and happy!

1 comment:

Rita Bird said...

I am seriously thinking about couponing. I've been following you to see how well you fair before I try it.

I know that the possibility of losing your job completely sucks. I was laid off a little over a year ago. At the time, I was pretty bitter but I was blessed with an even better opportunity. Keep remembering that God will provide.

Love you!

PS. I am still incredibly sorry for drinking your Welch's grape juice during pageant.