Friday, January 18, 2008

The little things...

So i've decided in my 27 years of wisdom that sometimes it's the tiny little things that make us feel better about ourselves.

For I waxed my own eyebrows. Yes really I did them myself, but i've gotten pretty good at being able to tell how much to put on the stick and when to pull it off.

But it was like I got a complete make over.

Sure my hair still looks as crappy and flat as it did this morning....and we know being from New Hope that flat is equal to a sin.

I'm still the same fat butt that I was this morning and probably a little bigger after the oatmeal creme pie I just ate.

I'm still the same sorry person I was this morning when I woke up after being mean this past week to Brandon or as he put a pissy mood.

I'm still the same lazy butt who hasn't cleaned out her car in a week, hasn't done her alternative assignment in her class because we didn't go because it snowed, and who's house looks like the welfare department would come and take her kids if she had any.

Nope, I'm still all those things, but somehow waxing my eyebrows made me feel better, neater, nicer, thinner, more energetic, prettier and just all around better.

Maybe I'll go shave my legs, that might do wonders...

P.S. I hope that one day the large group of unfortunate pictures of myself is a wedding present!


Heather said...

Amen! You make me laugh! Shaving your legs will definitely make you feel even better. I'm impressed that you did your own eyebrows. I'm still too afraid to chance it.

Ashley Smith ~ The Primary Source said...

I know what you mean my friend! Love you and miss you!

Mandy Mc said...

You need to post again, friend. I miss you!!!

Ashley Smith ~ The Primary Source said...

I was coming on to say what Mandy said...i miss your posts!