Sunday, July 09, 2006

It's back

That lump in my throat that I carried around last year, meaning that I felt like I was going to cry at any minute. Last year it came because I was going through hell with some friends of mine from home, and because God was getting me ready for the biggest move in my life.

But now what is it? Is it because I thought things were going to be so much different here but the truth is you can't out run your demons. Or is it because things really are different here...and that scares me. Or maybe just because I'm homesick and feel like I have a world to shoulder sometimes.

Whatever the reason is why it's back...I wish it would leave.

On a few updating notes. And please don't comment to much on these since the world apparently reads this thing.

1. A week down!
2. Pray for me Monday at 1:45...Marie it's your turn now!
3. I get my car back this week. Dang deer!
4. I love and miss you all!!! Really bad! Who wants to plan a get together!!??


Marie said...

What is it my turn for?

Criddy said...

To go to the doctor there friend!