That was a comment heard at my table, last night during my reading methods class. She was referring to the students in the EBD class that she had observerd that week for our field experience assignment. EBD stands for Emotional/Behavior Disorder.
So I proceeded to PASSIONATLEY EDUCATE HER about EBD students. I explained to her that many of them do go home and are bloody pulps, with bruises and scars for life. Or they go home to someone sexually abusing them, or they go home to the children's shelter where they've been since an early age, or they go home to foster parents who don't give a crap but only want the pay check that comes with them, or they go home to brothers and sisters who have to raise them, or they go home to girlfriends and babies. Did she stop to think that maybe their behavior is a result of a need in their life, and that for every outburst, there is a purpose behind it? Of course not...she just saw a kid that she thought needed to be beat.
Do most of our kids need discipline?? Of course they do! But learning how to discipline and coach them effectively is the key.
We believe as special educators that every kids deserves a chance, or 3 or 10! We believe that you fight for every kid and stand on their side. We believe that we can honestly make a difference in their lives and help mold them into people that will one day benefit society. WE BELIEVE IN THEM!! SHE DOESN'T!
She just made me ill and I needed to vent. Thanks!
By: Doesn’t matter who you are, this world will leave some battle scars |
SP? OCD? ASD? Just one ME!
[…] up a lot of the book and a lot of my life. I’m going to link Annie’s
blog right here… …because I don’t actually
read i...
6 years ago